10:56 PM

Reinactment of Palin's Charlie Gibson Interview

I really wanted my first post on politics & healthcare to be a serious one, but after viewing the following video I knew that it must be shared with you. I, like millions of Americans watched Palin's first interview with Charlie Gibson a week or two ago. Up until this point we knew very little about Palin's ability to presented herself unscripted. While her RNC speech was excellently delivered it left me wondering about who Sarah Palin really was; beyond the fashionable Kawaski glasses and stylish updo.

After watching the interview, I came to the conclusion that not only did Palin come off as incapable of original thought, but she didn't make very much sense on the points that matter to me. I am so sick of hearing the "terrorists are hellbent on destroying us" and "they hate us because we're free" fodder. Her "programmers" really need to diversify their messages because she sounded like such a robot in this interview.

Although the following video is a reinactment, it's not really far from what went down in the actual interview. In the words of the interiewer, "I feel stupider after having listened to [her]." Take a look:

An for those of you who actually want to see the original train wreck, here's Palin's real interview with Charlie Gibson: